While visiting the site, Puttenahalli Lake, I found myself looking at the whole ecosystem as if it were layered. Using this concept of layers, my attempt was to use watercolour to work in layers to create a somewhat grotesque, organic, and yet inorganic form, using the predominant colours. These forms along with visually compatible and dynamic illustrations of a few common birds came together to create a consistent visual mood through all the separate pieces. The ultimate goal was to create powerful and bold imagery that easily communicates to the target group, while respecting, and paying tribute to, the original character of the site. 
All information contained in the work pertains to Puttenahalli Lake (Yelahanka, Bangalore) and primarily its birds.
Postcards (4x6)
I chose to make postcards because they could propagate farther and rekindle a dying form of communication. The idea was to make them eyecatching and bold, using clean layouts.
Informative Handouts
The objective of these is simply to propagate information. I used layouts which are dynamic and eyecatching with an organic appearance.
Know Your Kere

Know Your Kere

A series of informative pieces on a Kere (lake) in Bangalore. I used the concept of layers seen in the visible ecosystem of the site to create fo Read More
