Sophia Lim's profile

Different Perspectives of Ubin

What is Pulau Ubin?
Pulau Ubin is an island off the eastern shores of Singapore and is considered the last village of rural Singapore.
Group Concept an Audience:
What our group aimed for in this project is to show Pulau Ubin's carefreeness, its past and present, and an obtain an interesting story in the perspective of a tourist, a worker and a local for the general public watching.
Initially, our group had came up with the concept of asking and editing the final product to show the standpoint of the locals of Pulau Ubin. It was after a deeper brainstorming session that we have expanded our concept to have interviews with a tourist, worker and local of Pulau Ubin instead of just having it in the standpoint of the locals of Pulau Ubin.
From there, we had created a consistent set of open-ended questions for our willing respondents to answer with the knowlege of being recorded, filmed some nature shots and edited them together without omitting their standpoint.
At the time of editing, we had chosen to make the title appear in the form of an eye to intergrate into our video. We have also added subtitles due to language inconsistency.
Lessons Learnt:
When this project came to an end, our group had not only learnt some technical skills, we have also learnt how to make our respondents comfortable, be it for their anonymity or the language they are used to speaking it in.
Different Perspectives of Ubin

Different Perspectives of Ubin

The brief of this school assignment is to film an interesing story about Pulau Ubin, Singapore.
