For my art culture class, we took a class trip to the Royal Ontario Museum. While visiting the museum, we had to keep a look out for an artifact to feature in a poster. Our assignment was to design a poster to attract people to come visit the exhibits in the ROM.
Materials Used:
- Camera
- Canson Mi-Teintes Grey Tones, 9x12in
- Irojiten Coloured Pencils
- 2H and 6B graphite pencils
- Tabloid sized printer paper
- Adobe Illustrator
- lightbox
At the musuem, I found this vase in the China exhibit. I was drawn to its negative shape and colours. I took pictures of the vase from various angles and found that this one was the most visually appealing. I tried to keep in mind how it would look once it is drawn on paper.
Here are some other ideas I sketched out. After receiving approval for my thumbnails, I decided to go on with the last thumbnail.
Using Adobe Illustrator, I created a digital version of the poster according to the thumbnail I created. I cut the vase from the image above and placed it on a grey background. My teacher provided the grid along with the typography shown in the poster. I found the Chinese characters from the internet and placed them in upper right corner to aesthetically fill in the blank space.
I printed the mock-up poster on tabloid sized printer paper. I made sure the printed poster is 9x12 which is the same as grey tone paper I planned to draw on. 
To transfer the image onto the grey tone paper, I flipped the printed poster to its back. Next, I used a lightbox and a 6B pencil to rub graphite onto the objects I needed to transfer. Then, I flipped the poster back to the original side and traced the outlines of the objects using a 2H pencil. I have provided an example in the image below.
I used this template to create a colour palette. I transferred this template onto another paper the same shade as my poster, using the same technique shown above.
This is a guide provided by my teacher on how to create a colour palette. First, I chose 12 coloured pencils that I planned to use in my poster. Second, I coloured each column of circles. A different colour according to each column. Third, I coloured and blended each row of circles using the same colours as the end of the rows. Finally, I labelled the pencil crayon used next to the unblended colours.
It will look something like this.
After many hours, this is how my finished drawing came out.
I think this project is successful. The poster looks professional and I think it would attract people to come and see the China gallery at the ROM. This poster is going to be featured at the George Brown Art Showcase at the end of this semester.
ROM Poster

ROM Poster

ROM Poster creative process
