Nouman Pervaiz's profile

Freelance Projects

Golf Brochure for Punjab Golf Club, Pakistan.
Back Title
Golf Brochure for Punjab Golf Club, Pakistan.
Inner Pages
Golf Brochure for Punjab Golf Club, Pakistan.
Inner Pages
Golf Brochure for Punjab Golf Club, Pakistan.
Inner Pages
Golf Brochure for Punjab Golf Club, Pakistan.
Inner Pages
Golf Brochure for Punjab Golf Club, Pakistan.
Inner Pages
Golf Brochure for Punjab Golf Club, Pakistan.
Inner Pages
Golf Brochure for Punjab Golf Club, Pakistan.
Inner Pages
Golf Brochure for Punjab Golf Club, Pakistan.
Golf Brochure for Punjab Golf Club, Pakistan.
Inner Pages
Golf Brochure for Punjab Golf Club, Pakistan.
Inner Pages
Golf Brochure for Punjab Golf Club, Pakistan.
Inner Pages
Golf Brochure for Punjab Golf Club, Pakistan.
3 Fold Brochure (Outer)
KAU E-Learning Management (Distance Learning)
3 Fold Brochure (Inner)
KAU E-Learning Management (Distance Learning)
3 Fold Brochure (Outer)
KAU Distance Learning Program
3 Fold Brochure (Inner)
KAU Distance Learning Program

3 Fold Brochure (Outer)
KAU Virtual Class Room System

3 Fold Brochure (Inner)
KAU Virtual Class Room System

Book Title on History of Mathmetics
for KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Freelance Projects

Freelance Projects

Worked on different Online Projects from various clients
