When a person does not see the future? What caused the collapse of the state? How to rise from its knees?
Sometimes in our life there comes a time when, walking on the trail of life, you find a dead end. Thoughts are confused. Consciousness meets blurred. The man stops. Starting internal decay.
In this state, we do not find anything other than self-destruction. Things around us will not bring positive emotions, leaving behind a black spot. Tables. Window. Clothing. The interweaving of all these things in one black ball. All around.
In fact, it is not the state, from which it is impossible to get out. Looking at yourself from a different angle, you can come to the conclusion that this is the starting point from which to take a step into the future. This is the beginning. Home path toward self-improvement.
This path is correct. The main thing - do not give in to apathy and find it for yourself.


The installation of the parts. Wood, plaster, rope.
