Profilo di Clayton CottinghamProfilo di Dominique Kraatz

The Mesmerizing Machine

The Mesmerizing Machine
a mechanical sculpture piece
Our goal was simple, make a machine that captures the viewer's full attention. By using a combination of different mechanisms, the turn of a crank can influence a visual spectacle for the user. 
Camshaft influences vertical motion.
Planetary gear moves direction of arrow.
After doing several preliminary sketch mechanisms to get our minds thinking about it, we began sketching how we could combine what we came up with. We had one goal. To make a machine that mesmerizes the user.
A demonstration of the machine in use. Fullscreen and headphones are recommended.
The Mesmerizing Machine

The Mesmerizing Machine

The Mesmerizing Machine, uses a combination of different mechanisms. The turn of a crank influences a visual spectacle for the user.
