30 Days 30 UI designs. Each day I will attempt to create a new UI with a different style of Design. I will attempt to do at least one design a day. Each of those designs will be added onto this project until I am done with all 30 days.
This is an attempt to push myself out of my comfort zone and really grow as an artist. We are only as good as we practice. If we do not push ourselves how can we ever grow as artists and designers?
Day one: Aura Game Main Menu
Day One: Aura Pause Menu
Still from original process work. Prior to menu location change. Concepting movement and placement of elements.
Day two: Health Bar. Only illustrator build
I usually jump between Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to create and touch up elements of my design, ending up with a hybrid. Today I challenged myself to create a Health bar using only Adobe Illustrator. The result was a short and sweet little ribbon health bar. complete with bubbles. because, who doesn't love bubbles?
Didn't have much time today, but wanted to make sure I got an exercise in. I decided to put together some futuristic UI elements. They aren't as far along as I'd like. could use some additional tweaks and touches but as far as quick concepts go I kind of like it. Have a wonderful day!
Mainly a test for 8-bit typography. I came up with AudioFile. a play on the word Audiophile. It is a top down circle shooter similar to asteroids where enemies shoot at you in beat with any music you put in. The premise was that the music industry is trying to compress your audiofiles so they can charge you more for degraded digital downloads, You must fight for the integrity of your music. The user has the option to upload their own Playlists so they can play against their own music if they want. difficulty is based on BPM and how many instruments a song has. I felt like with the digital/computer nature of the game it would be fun to go with an 8-bit style to pay homage to the silly videogames I played as a kid.
Wanted to play with gradients. See how simple shapes and gradients could be used to give the illusion of form. I could have made these more sophisticated or fleshed out by there was something in the simplicity of shape and character that made me like these little guys just the way they were.
30 Days UI Exercise

30 Days UI Exercise

30 days 30 UI designs. Each day I will create a new UI with a different style of design.
