Alien Horde was the first game I created using the software Unity. It is a 3D game with an objective to get the highest score possible without your character dying. It is a game with a sci-fi theme where the main character spawns in a space ship that is infested with aliens that he must kill to survive. It is a very simple point and shoot game that is continuous, meaning once the player has died, their score will be shown and the game will start again, with the user trying to better their score. The characters and background that are in the game were downloaded from the Unity Asset Store as I thought using high quality 3D models would benefit my first attempt of creating a game.
Level Design Used for Alien Horde
Main Character Used for Alien Horde
Shown below are the enemies that I used in the game. These models came readily animated from the Asset Store, meaning it made it easier for me to code the movements and animations in Unity. I thought it was important for me to get to grips with how to put something together in Unity, and learn C# code before I started inserting my own design in to games.
Alien Horde Game

Alien Horde Game

The first game I created as part of my university degree. Created using Unity.
