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Air Filter Lungs For Sale ! - Air Pollution Campaign

   Air Filter Lungs or Sale
Rise public awareness of air pollution

Group (Man Hao Yin , Cheung Ka Yiu ,Fu Shuk Han Phyllis )
​Bus is the biggest user of diesel fuel which eliminate much pollutant every year . Our objective is to raise social awareness of air problem.

​Get    the Hong Kong public
To      aware problem of using diesel fuel and encourage them stopping taking bus which use diesel fuel
By     reminding them the pollutant will damage our health

​Using " A electronic lungs' sale " to remind people lungs cannot be replaced . Electronic lungs will be our only choice if we do not stop using diesel fuel .

Print Advertisements , Outdoor Advertisement , T-shirt For Movement​

​Print Ads​​​
​​The Poster is looked like a mega sale poster of supermarket . It highlight and satirize the cheapness and popularization of electronic lungs in the future​ . Many people's lungs will be damaged because of the air pollution. The posters will be posted a bit slant on wall to rise a cheapness feeling of the product. They will be posted on bus stops .

Outdoor Ad​

A prototype of an " Air Filter Lungs " will be made for public to try the air "filtered" by the lungs . Actually , the air from the lungs is some air with some grass flavor to create a fresh feeling . Some large bus stops will placed a prototype of human lungs which will eliminate some diesel and smoke smell . They let people to compare the air from different lungs . This outdoor ad will tell people that our lungs cannot filter any pollutant and lead them to think about the quality of air they are breathing now.


We will hold a " Anti-Bus Day " aim to encourage people not to take diesel fuel bus . 10000 of T-shirt which a air filter lungs printed on them will be released . We suggest people wear them on that day to rise people awareness bus air pollution . Our staffs will wear them and queue at bus stops to create a long queue and take video of this event which will be shared on Youtube and social platform to spread it out .On one hand , it rise the public attention . On the other hand , the long queue may discourage people taking bus .
T-Shirt for the movement . The back has a QR code for people to link to the anti - diesel website
 Our staffs wearing " Air filter lungs " T-shirt line up at bus stop to create a long queue to discourage people taking buses which use diesel fuel 
Air Filter Lungs For Sale ! - Air Pollution Campaign

Air Filter Lungs For Sale ! - Air Pollution Campaign

Rise public awareness of air pollution


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