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Old Paintings & Pictures - Personal project

Photographie / Projet personnel​​​​​​​
Projet personnel sur la thématique de la dualité. Grandement inspiré/copié des oeuvres de l'artiste ukrainien Alexey Kondakov. Toutes les peintures sont du domaine publique et les lieux ont été photographiés à Québec.
Personal project on the theme of duality. Highly inspired copied on the work of the ukrainian artist Alexey Kondakov.
All paintings were selected from public domain and pictures were shot in Québec City, Canada.
"Christ dating in Saint-Roch"
Brûlerie St-Roch, Saint-Roch, QC, Canada
Christ and the Samaritan woman at the well - 1796 - Painting by Maria Anna Angelika Kauffmann

Featured on Classical Art Memes on Jan. 22 2017
"Not now, Paolo."
Francesca da Rimini - 1837 - Painting by William Dyce
St-Réal Street, QC, Canada
Captain John Gell - 1785 - Painting by Gilbert Stuart
"The Disillusioned Finals Week"
Maelstrøm Café, Saint-Roch, QC, Canada
The Disillusioned Medea ("The Enchantress") - 1640 - Painting by Paulus Bor
Old Paintings & Pictures - Personal project