Perfil de Stephen Weeks

Dyslexia awareness project

Dyslexia awareness project
I've done a series of posters for my final major at college to make people aware of the disability 'Dyslexia'. This was a project I was passionate about doing becuase being dyslexic I found it hard and frustrating that some people didn't understand the disability and treated me diffirently to my peers back in school. 
The reason for the poster below 'I always win at scrabble' was because back when I was younger my family used to play scrabble to help me with my spelling. But the funny part was that even when I spelt the words wrong my family used to let me win. 
This is going to be a screen print.
Here are a series of 3 posters i did for my Final major project exhibition and also i put up a sample of how i want my exhibition to look like.
Some images from my sketch book.
Dyslexia awareness project

Dyslexia awareness project

A set of different posters on dyslexia. Final major project for college.
