Christie Wright's profile

Plastic Pollution Mural

Street Art
Final photo by Enriqueta Arias
Sea Life Deterioration. 
My piece for the Sea Walls 'Sea Change: Art for Oceans' Exhibition
Sea Walls- Murals for Oceans
Napier, New Zealand 2016
The aim of Seawalls is to promote general awareness of the issues threatening our oceans today. 
My mural focussing on plastic pollution - specifically the extremely detrimental effects of cigarette butts in coastal marine environments.
“Our oceans are deteriorating because of plastic pollution - it breaks down into tiny particles that are consumed by sea life. They may be small, but cigarette butts are the world’s most common form of litter, with trillions of litter estimated every year. Many people think the butts are cotton but actually the filters are cellulose acetate, a non-biodegradable plastic. Cigarettes break down into tiny particles and leach toxic chemicals including nicotine, formaldehyde, and arsenic into seawater. They are highly damaging to our sea life and oceans. If you smoke, treat that butt like the toxic waste it is.”
'Around the corner' 
Progress shot of my Hapuka by Noel O'Riley
Before Details
Progress shot of my Seahorse by Instagrafite
Adding lines
Progress shot of my Hapuka by Instagrafite
Seahorse and Butts
Photo by Magda Coccinella
Final wall and its location

Huge thank you to Pangeaseed for inviting me to take part in painting for a purpose.

Special thanks to all the festival supporting artists, media partners, core team,  
volunteers and partners. Together we can help save our seas.
Find out more about Pangeaseed and the Sea Walls Project on their website-
Photo by Tre Packard
Plastic Pollution Mural

Plastic Pollution Mural

My mural for Sea Walls, Napier, NZ 2016


Creative Fields