Profil appartenant à Demetris Kalambokis

Nicosia Map | Places of Interest

During my staying at the last few months in Nicosia, Cyprus, I decided to discover my new home town, by visiting various places and with Photoshooting (pretty much what I did for Athens) - ref. to:

A lot of these places and landmarks are remarkable, but as long as Cyprus is a small island, the tourist information is diffusible and guides are rare to find. Nicosia’s main attraction is the old city (the only one capital that remains divided - in the World -) and the Venetian walls, which were built in the Middle Ages. The city now sprawls for several kilometers and has engulfed surrounding villages and settlements, with unique architecture (from 18th and 19th century) and great landscaping. As for cafes, bars, museums etc, I can ensure that a visitor will not get bored, although Nicosia isn’t the biggest city that anyone could find.

I also felt like showing Nicosia as a single, united city on my layouts, So, here is the result of collecting my favorite places-to-go in Nicosia, with more about to come!
During design process, various layouts were created to cover map's information.
Here is the street net and its analysis:
Parks & Landmarks (green zone is refered as the "Green Line", the divider between the two countries):
Various notes & marks, refering to trails and places of interest, and finally, the reference lines and the descriptions.
...almost there...
The combined information with the map grid and the legend:
and few color experiments:
A close-up to the northern part of the city.
Nicosia Map | Places of Interest
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Nicosia Map | Places of Interest

A small tribute to Nicosia, were I currently live, which includes cafes, bars, restaurants, museums, venetian, ottoman & christian monuments and Lire la suite

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