Household Electrical Learning Object
This video was created as a presentation of a course hosted by a Learning Managment System (LMS). The video describes who the students are and the objectives of the course. It introduces each learn object and how to navigate the LMS
The course is designed for tradeschool students learning to be electricians. In this course, they will learn about the household electrical systems. I created this video using Adobe Premier, Adobe Illustrator, ScreenFlow, Garage Band, Canvas (LMS) and Mindnode.
Mindnode Map: Household Electrical Course
This Mindnode map is an illustration of the Household Electrical course which consists of two learning objectives, three video learning objects, an infograhpic, one game and one assessment. The introduction to the video above uses the left side of this Mindnode to introduce the video and it's learning objectives. In order to import it into the video the image was first imported into Adobe Illustrator and cropped to the proper size and exported as a PNG. The PNG was then suitable to be used within Adobe Premier.
Canvas Screen Capture
This video is a screen capture of the Learning Management System. Parts of this video were spliced intot the presentation above to discribe how the LMS is organized and where the learning objects can be found. The tool used to create this video was ScreenFlow. 
Voice-Over Audio File
The process I used to create the video above included the typical pre-production, production and post-production methods but since it wasn't a live shoot I planned a voice-over. First I created the Mindnode map which functioned as a storyboard for the entire course. Next I created a script and timeline which was used to time each scene in the video. Once the video was rendered, it was dropped into Garage Band to sinc the voice-over and the music. Once that was completed, I created a mp3 file that was dropped back into the original video so that the video and audio could be rendered together using Adobe Premier.
eLearning Project

eLearning Project

This is a video describing an eLearning course created to function within a Learning Management System.
