Project Mayhem
The phrase "Project Mayhem" should not be unfamiliar to anyone who doesn't live under a rock.  It obviously originated from the book "Fight Club" by Chuck Palahniuk. (All piss poor pronunciations aside)  Project Mayhem represents destruction of order. My art is heavily influenced by the street art scene; a movement that has many similar goals.  The illegality of the movement is part of the reason it's so great. It moves art out of the galleries and into the streets. It strips art of it's pretentiousness and fancy frames. You no longer have to go to a museum to see great art, instead you can now view it on your way to work. It's a refreshing change from a few decades of mass produced kitsch that continues to hang in homes across America. 

Western (Kick Starting a Dead Horse)
Back Braces
Black Swan (Sold)
Project Mayhem

Project Mayhem

Hmm. It contains art and stuff?


Creatieve disciplines