I joined a competition called Skills USA, basically it was amazing! in its most simple form it is a competition of all "hands-on" work. My competition was photography.
My competition was made up of 4 parts, a written test, Photoshop, field shoot, and studio lighting. 
My first competition was Photoshop. your asked to "fix" two images and make a composite of 6 or more images provided.
My next competition was the field shoot, I was given an hour to go capture 4 prompts: Human Interaction, Black and White Candid, People in Motion, and Personal Expression. I included 2 of the 4 bellow, Human Interaction,and Black and White Candid.
The next competition was Studio Lighting, I was asked to use 3 lights and a model to produce 2 lighting styles: Butterfly and Rembrandt.
I learned a lot this year, and have found ways to "up my game", and next year I plan to take first!
Skills USA | Utah
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Skills USA | Utah

My Re-Cap of Skills USA 2016

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