Transitus Luminis
Experimental video

Trai, Parma (IT), 2014

Marco Boni
Audio track:

Special thanks:
Cristian Chiarini
Giovanni Fiamminghi
Gianni Manelli
Francesco Fazio
Silver Salsi
Filippo Nebbioso
Transitus Luminis is an experimental video self-produced by the collective Beat.per:frame and filmed in Trai (IT).

The basic idea of the project is to enhance the majesty of the natural element; the clear symbolic reference to the forms of Gothic and Renaissance cathedrals re-configures continuously through the movement of light that sets new visual horizons.
So the architecture seems to dance along to the eye that pursues and courts her without ever being able to fix it if not the aura of dawn.

The digital material produced is the result of shots taken from sunset to the dawn, then subjected to video-compositing.
Transitus Luminis

Transitus Luminis

Transitus Luminis Experimental video Trai, Parma (IT), 2014 Concept: Paolo C999 Ferrari Production: Beat.per:frame Marco Boni Antonio Pipolo Další informace
