Profil appartenant à Karan Vohra

Kullu's Curious Kollu

Kollu loved eating 
and always knew where to find food. 
What Kollu did not know was 
how he knew where to find food.

“How do I know?”, he wondered.
Kollu was a curious bear. 
Not knowing troubled him. 
And knowing that he did not know
troubled him more. 
He had to know.
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Guide: Prof Alka Hingorani
Layout and Book Design: Ruchi Shah, Karan Vohra
Written by: Alka Hingorani, Aarti Latkar, Karan Vohra
Photographs: Alka Hingorani, Aarti Latkar
Kullu's Curious Kollu
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Kullu's Curious Kollu

This book is part of an ongoing project called LETS at IDC, IIT-B, Mumbai, in association with the Tata Centre for Technology and Design. It was Lire la suite

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