Henkilön Karan Vohra profiili

Kullu's Curious Kollu

Kollu loved eating 
and always knew where to find food. 
What Kollu did not know was 
how he knew where to find food.

“How do I know?”, he wondered.
Kollu was a curious bear. 
Not knowing troubled him. 
And knowing that he did not know
troubled him more. 
He had to know.
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Guide: Prof Alka Hingorani
Layout and Book Design: Ruchi Shah, Karan Vohra
Written by: Alka Hingorani, Aarti Latkar, Karan Vohra
Photographs: Alka Hingorani, Aarti Latkar
Kullu's Curious Kollu

Kullu's Curious Kollu

This book is part of an ongoing project called LETS at IDC, IIT-B, Mumbai, in association with the Tata Centre for Technology and Design. It was Lue lisää
