Martin Smith's profile

What Is Curagami Video

What are you feeling NOW?
Most feel love for friends and family, empathy for others and want to contribute to something meaningful, fun and rewarding. 
Feelings, desires, wants and needs are sucked up into contemporary life's technical tornado. 
Filter Bubbles are one aspect of contemporary life's technical tornado. (Eli Pariser TED Talk)
Easy to feel trapped in an endless loop of messages, content, and noise. 
Marketers trained to think in terms of MORE, FASTER and BIGGER contribute to contemporary life's tornado feeling. And marketers are in a tornado of their own. Every winning tactic is rapidly piled on until ROI and efficacy is gone. Tactical oceans that appeared BLUE and uncrowded yesterday are over crowded and RED OCEANS today.
Friends of Friends marketing where customers who love your company and brand recruit their friends is the only marketing left. 
What Is Curagami Video

What Is Curagami Video

Storyboard of Curagami video.


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