Ana Norambuena's profile

DGD: Beer Label Design

Every product needs to have an identification label, not only to stablish important information of the product for the consumer, but also help the product to stands out from the other products which can be similar in market placement. 
The goal was to create a new label for the Pacific Pilsner Beer Brand in order to rebrand the current packaging.
Pacific Pilsner has a stable and loyal fan base - older men who enjoy the outdoors, fishing, sailing.The new demographic would be generally male, young (19-30), hip, attracted to microbrews but likes the price point of this product. A resident of BC or Alberta, he enjoys the summertime, extreme sports, snowboarding, camping, music festivals and road-trips. 
The voice of this project is traditional but exciting and dreamy. 
Older demographic: The voice speaks to the glory days of yesteryear, sailing regattas, decadent relaxation. 
Younger Demographic: The younger demographic is attracted to the sense of adventure, of being near the ocean, in the mountains, and taking risks. 
DGD: Beer Label Design

DGD: Beer Label Design

Beer Label Design
