Based upon the movie Goodfellas, Wiseguys is a restaurant based on rise and fall. Sticking close with your friends, as well as having power and respect. The charcuterie will have this same idea by having a front and back house. Both sides are cash only, emphasizing under the table work. In order to enter the back house, the servers decide if you’re a “goodfella”. The front of the house will serve meats, cold cuts, and homemade breads. It will have a personal environment and treat customers like they are a part of the family. The back of the house will be more secretive. It will hold poker games, craps games, have cocktails, and cigars. Waiters will be hospitable, but always on the look out.
Logo was formed into an actual stamp, for an old school approach, to resemble a butcher shop/charcuterie and the process of packing meat for a customer.
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This project was an exercise in logo and identity design, but also typographic nuances and successful translation across a branding system.

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