Academy ROC van Twente, MBO College for Design, Fashion and Media
Location Enschede, Netherlands. 
Education in Graphic Design and Commercial Art / 2014-2018
2nd Academic Year (2015-2016), 3rd semester.
Assigment: POSTER PHOTOGRAPHY. (1/4) 
Subject: Analyse a famous movieposter, and design a new one by your own interpret.
Photography by: Frank Bemthuis
Models: Farin Farid Mojtahedi, Annalie Bruns and Victor Start

Propose of the assignment was to analyse a real existing movieposter, break it down to the details and make an own interpretation from the build up. I took an alternate version of the famous Quentin Tarantino-classic Reservoir Dogs.

And from that point, I took some important elements, give it my own twist, but most of all: ignore some of the essentials to turn out to something completly different.

Further than a imitation, it's now just a inspiration. Still a very present one, but with great other resolutions than just the basics elements of the original one. Photographed 3 of my best friends in college, combined the power of Adobe Photoshop and the magic Nik Collection and a Diet Coke, just 24 hours ahead of the deadlines, it turned out something very exciting. 
To prove my own creativity and feeling for conceptart, I quickly made 2 variations of the same composition. 

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Schoolassignment: Analyse a real existing movieposter, break it down to the details and make an own interpretation from the build up. And from th Read More


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