'Create a new-to-world, accessible, mass-market beauty brand that breaks established category codes, your brand should be a response to some of the issues with which modern, post-demographic consumers identify: gender stereotypes, healthy body image, environmental concerns, or any other issues you feel are relevant to users of beauty products today. 
I wanted to create a logo which reflected the values of the product, this idea of the packaging deconstructing and interlocking is what sttod out about the design. I adapted this into my logo but treating the separate shapes of it like components and reassembling them in different ways, creating a level of customisation.
The heart of the project was the packaging itself, creating a design which would interlock whilst still keeping it sturdy was a challenge. However kept this at the forefront of the design in order to maintain the element of play.
Rather than focus around a single product I wanted to take the 'faff' out of men's skincare routines. Designing a traffic light system that gives you input into what you use, but creates a framework for you to do this from. The system of Scrub, Wash and Hydrate – the 'hydrate' being the choice between Moisturiser or Day Cream (this combating the stigma of modern Men wearing cosmetics).
Assembling the packaging yourself makes it flexible and open, leaving more options for storage this then makes it suitable to any shape or size of bathroom cabinet. This keeps the packaging looking just as good at home as it is on shelf.
Discrete colour scheme, balanced with a strong tone of voice with a sarcastic sense of humour to keep the brand playful and personal, engaging to Men. Type has also been designed in different directions to work with the variety of positions that the blocks can be stored as.
The three part traffic light system, applies to all variants of the product. Giving men more choice, in turn creates more inclusive brand, encouraging men to pick only what they like.
The tubs would be made of polythene pastic, making them washable and resusable, guys would recieve perks and rewards for returning a certain amount of tubs – hopefully eventually creating a fully sustainable and environmentally friendly production line.
(D&AD) - FAF.

(D&AD) - FAF.

D&AD/DesignBridge | New Blood Design Awards Entry | 2016
