Greenbusters is a series where we showcase fictitious characters with suspiciously familiar environmentally
(un)friendly traits.
Decibelle is an ardent fan of music. Unfortunately, she chooses to share this passion by constantly blasting music through two speakers at max volume. 
Don’t be Decibelle. Keep noise down; make music fun for everyone around.
He's one of the best workers in the office, but Break-Dunce has never quite mastered the intricacies of the lunch break. For reasons unknown, Break-Dunce insists on using only disposable cutlery, and inevitably ends up breaking the flimsy plastic utensils over and over, leaving a bunch of broken plastic to clean up.

Don’t be Break-Dunce, cut down on plastic waste as well as potential inconvenience by utilizing reusable,
metal cutlery instead.
The Illumi-naughty is a mysterious group whose members have never been identified. Rumour has it that they are responsible for those strange lights in the office which are never turned off, even when nobody is around.

The Illumi-naughty want nothing more than to light up your life, but all they do is darken your mood when the electricity bill arrives. Don’t be part of the Illumi-naughty.
The Copier Cat is the colleague who needs everything in hard copy - meeting notes, presentation decks, out-of-office messages, and even bills. He loves printing and enjoys the smell of fresh ink on paper.

Don't be a Copier Cat! Go green by going paperless!
The Sweater is the colleague who needs all the air-conditioners turned on. At 16 degrees Celsius. On a rainy day. You're thinking of leaving the office because you can't type anymore, thanks to frostbite.

Don't be The Sweater. Let the air-conditioning remain at the optimal 25 degrees Celsius, and wear something a little less warm instead.
Free Flow is the most generous person in the office when it comes to water. Toilet needs flushing? Free Flow will toss in three extra flushes, just to be safe. Getting water from the dispenser? Nothing less than an overflowing bottle will suffice. After all, as Free Flow is so fond of saying, it’s not HIS water anyway.

Don't be Free Flow, be prudent with your water!
NBA is the biggest basketball fan in the office. To NBA, every single wastepaper basket at work is a makeshift basketball hoop waiting to be shot at. The only problem? NBA is a HORRIBLE shooter.

Don't be NBA. Score a victory for the environment by disposing of trash properly.


Showcasing fictitious characters (monsters) with suspiciously familiar environmentally (un)friendly traits through digital illustrations for Mini Развернуть
