Profil użytkownika „Valerio Volpicelli”

How to "Pixar-ize" yourself: a quick tutorial

Have you ever asked to yourself:
"What if my name was written like Pixar Studios does?"
Follow this 5 quick steps to learn how to reach this final result ;)’s easy like sunday mornin’!
First of all, let's speak about the fonts: which one to use?
Get the most important element! You need a Lamp like these...
You can draw it or just download something from the web.
Step 1: Setting the background
Step 2: Type your Naming...leave 1 empty spot to embed the lamp
Then positioning the lamp in place
like I did below
Step 4: drop shadows and place highlights spots
Just watch where the letters are most exposed to lights and where (theorically) lies the shadows behind them.
You should have something like this shown below:
Step 5: adding the spreading light
Now you must do the "focal point" of the composition: the light reflected on the ground.
Following this quick step below, you should have something like this:
Final Step: Retouching, Color Correction and Finishing
Now you should do your final corrections and then add your favourite payoff, as i did here below
And this is the final composition:
Quick and easy, don't you think?
Let me know if you like it.
How to "Pixar-ize" yourself: a quick tutorial


How to "Pixar-ize" yourself: a quick tutorial

I did this just for fun, but I hope someone could use it for his own purpose and create something like that...maybe better...
