Surveillance Bot
This project was the solution to a brief which asked that we create a 10x10x10cm box which would respond to an input and give a human reaction. For example if you tickled it, it
would laugh. This was a collaborativeproject. I worked with Kloee Alcorn. We wanted our project to be more than just the standard response and were both very interested in critical design. We decided to make our box a criticism of our surveillance society. We decided to make a camera from our box and considered how a human would behave if he/she had to watch
strangers 24/7. We thought that they would become bored and start criticising people for the way they looked. So, we used a PIR sensor, a bright LED and an lcd screen. I wrote the code for this and created a char array to pre-programme responses. I set it to randomly display one of the responses when the PIR read high. Meaning that each time someone walked passed, the screen would show a response. This was positioned at the back of the box, and was mirrored to mimic the human condition to hide our thoughts and opinions. This project was achieved using arduino. 
Surveillance Bot
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Surveillance Bot

Surveillance Bot- A comment on society

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