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Star Wars Illustrations

This was a personal project where I attempted to paint Rey, Finn and Poe Dameron in 3 distinct illustrative styles.
Rey is in the Alphonse Mucha, Art Nouveau style, which I think the flowing lines of her outfit is particularly well suited for;
Finn is in the Tamara de Lempicka, Art Deco/Cubist style. I thought the angular, mechanistic look might suit him given his past as a Stormtrooper;
Poe Dameron is in the J.C. Leyendecker, 20th Century Illustration style. I always thought Oscar Isaac looked like he could be a Guatemalan Arrow Collar Man. Leyendecker’s cross-hatched painting style was insanely hard to ape, and I know the resemblance to Poe isn’t great, but I was going for the Arrow Collar Man face here.

Star Wars Illustrations

Star Wars Illustrations

Rey, Finn and Poe Dameron in 3 illustrative styles.
