The behavior of designg always have focused on making something new. It seems to me that design is always trying to fulfill the world. During many people have kept this trend, I can find that there are some insignificant things around the world. These insignificant things are taking a part of the world until they are used on their original purpose. I has progressed the project giving new brand calue to such insignificant items only by adding the design as a behavior. For example, I rearranged some piles of blocks, woods and bricks which are on the side of street for construction. Through these behaviors, they can be a great bench or chaair until they are used for their original usage. The notion of this project is totally different from the notion of reuse. I think, while the reuse also the behavior of fullfilling the world, my ‘D=sign Project’ doesn’t fulfill the world. All the outgrowth of projects disappear perfectly with leaving nothing. Finally, there is nothing to be increased in the world. The world maintain the condition of ‘=’
D=sign Project

D=sign Project

The behavior of designg always have focused on making something new. It seems to me that design is always trying to fulfill the world. During man Read More
