Profil użytkownika „Lucy Maitre”

v6e's Branding and Marketing

I began freelancing for v6e Limited during the second year of my degree. The first job in hand was the overall rebranding of the company from the old purple and green colour scheme to the black, orange and white one it is now. 
I began by designing new letterheads, compliment slips and buisness cards.
Next was the website. I learnt to use Adobe Muse so I could design and make the website myself. I also designed a mobile version of the site for ease of use.[]
Marketing was also big part of my role, espeically when we were getting ready for trade exhibitions and following up customers. 
Postcard campaigns worked well for us because of the wide span of customers we have all over the world. Also, with a postcard you have no choice but to read/see it. 
We attended the World Travel Market in 2014 and 2015, and for that we had promotional items which we brought along with us. Pens, headphones inside pillow boxes, ice scrapers, stressballs and a tote bag.
The tote bag's illustration linked back to our marketing material that had gone out before the show and something that we hoped our customers would be familiar with. The bus was originally designed to try and show in a visual way what v6e does.
We had 2 different stressballs, in 2014 we took with us the bespoke orange world stressball which co-insided with our stand, (see World Travel Market page). In 2015, we decided to go for a different design. I firstly designed the smiley stress ball and then continued to work closely with the promotional material company during prototyping and final production (stages can be seen on my blog).
v6e's Branding and Marketing

v6e's Branding and Marketing

Re-branding of v6e Limited applied to stationary, website and marketing/promotional material. Design of marketing material including; tote bag de Rozwiń
