
2016 Adobe ADAA 國際設計獎__Honorable Mention 佳作


why don’t you buy Odd-shaped vegetables ?

Customers won’t buy these Odd-shaped vegetables because they think they are not eatable or not easy to cook, but also cause amount of waste.
The saying ”Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” just like nutrition of Odd-shaped vegetables are same as general vegetables.
In this concept we'll combine non-packaged and odd-shaped vegetables to inspire consumers to purchase Taiwan’s odd-shaped vegetables. 
裸市0.9強調用在地安心蔬菜,每個蔬菜櫃上皆有蔬菜插卡資訊供顧客參考,如果想知道更多詳細資料,可以掃描上方QR code出現的蔬菜身分證來了解。
 If you want to learn more about the production details of certain vegetables, you can scan the QR code on the cards and acquire further production information.
we convey information about seasonal vegetables to consumers by season calendar. Through seasonal recipes, we use the vegetables rich in the season to make delicious dishes so that we can reach the idea of consuming seasonal vegetables into our lives.
It is usually hard to get the right portion of leafy vegetables. For this reason, we use a special strap to help customers decide how much they want to buy. In the visual design, there are three different colors that show the approximate portion. The straps are made of degradable plastic and you can reuse them.

Curious Crops is an Eco -friendly supermarket. Since we don't provide plastic bags, we welcome customers to bring reusable bags or buy our shopping bags.

In visual design, We added some hand-written characters to the uniquely shaped vegetables to give them an interesting characteristic. We hope through this idea can attract customers to buy or to eat these odd-shaped vegetables. Don’t waste, save earth! 

Project Made For


