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Waitrose Sea Salt

Waitrose is a supermarket company in UK. They own a range of products under its brand, one of them is the Fine Crystal Sea Salt. The Sea Salt is originated from Cyprus. The Fine Crystal Sea Salt is popular as table salt or for use in cooking. Sea Salt naturally has lesser sodium than normal table salt, which makes it healthier. With the rise of competitors producing sea salt, there’s a need to redesign the package to gain market share. 
To give the product a face-lift in order to stand out from its competitors and improve functionality. The packaging design should be appealing to younger audience who are health conscious, socially responsible, fun and modern.
To create a simple and distinct packaging design associated to its brand. Functionally is utmost important to prevent spillage and for better handling. Packaging can be recycled and even reused.
Do check out more details on the thought process behind this project on slideshare
Waitrose Sea Salt

Waitrose Sea Salt

Waitrose sea salt packaging design. Do check out more details of the thought process behind this project on slideshare. http://www.slideshare.net Read More
