Vince Camuto made things happen when everyone else said it would be impossible.  Under his leadership and vision, his company grew quickly from a footwear company into a lifestyle brand with 17 product categories sold in nearly every American department store.  Faced with limitations, he would simply disagree and insist that it could be done and as if by magic, products would appear and deadlines would be met.  
One of my favorite parts of my job was that I never knew what would happen.  I might walk into work one morning and someone would say "Vince wants to make watches".  With no knowledge of watches and no further instructions, my job would be to determine what a Vince Camuto watch should look like and put together a presentation for the watch design team I was about to meet.  This would happen again with multiple other categories and even with new brands when he decided to expand into Two by Vince Camuto and Louise et Cie
Vince's energy was contagious and I often found myself pushing our design teams to achieve the "impossible".  Still one of the most inspiring figures in my life, it was madness at times but I consider myself lucky to have taken part in his vision.  What you see below is a selection of lookbooks from the seasons I worked at Vince Camuto.  
Vince Camuto

Vince Camuto

A selection of lookbooks from the seasons I worked at Vince Camuto.
