The Basilisk is a mythological creature that originates from Greece. It is the King of the snakes and the most poisonous creature on Earth. According to legend, it can kill a person with its stare.    
The Impundulu or Lightning Bird is a mythical creature that originates from South Africa. It is said that the bird is as big as a human, or even bigger. It can summon lightning, storms, and can shape shift as a human. It will attack people, and drink their blood. It is said that it will guard a witch, or witch doctor as well.
The Gumiho is a Korean mythical creature. It is a nine tailed fox that can freely transform into a beguiling woman. It is said that the Gumiho uses its beauty to trick men into following them into the forest to eat them. 
The Werewolf is a mythical creature that originates from many parts of Europe. Werewolves are described as people who shapeshift into a wolf, either purposely, by using magic, or after being placed under a curse. Modern folklore states that a transformation occurs with the appearance with a full moon.
Unimaginable Beings

Unimaginable Beings

The works presented to you here show the progress of my first year at Elms College. These were part of my capstone project during my junior year Read More
