Iulia Soltuzus profil

MEP_A Carpet Area: Time Treveler

The concept time travel inspired me because I find fascinating this idea, something that I could not hold entirely with my mind, something that I would be afraid to do it if it will be real. So I thought that I will put this idea in a concrete form I will understand it better. I found the inspiration in some movies that I saw some years ago, but all this subject was not presented how I thought it will be. 
Everything starts from a person that wants another end, that wants to change a situation. So, that was the first thought about the fluorescent fiber. As in the time travel it is something changed, the color of carpet will change too: from something mat to something bright, from day to night. And I thought that this could be useful in the night; the fluorescent carpet could be a source of light for people. Another observation about this subject is that the moment of the travel it is something uncertain, it is like a dark tunnel with some flashlight from the events that happened from the moment A (when he is leaving) to moment B (the moment he arrives) that he skips. So I transformed this flashlight in guidelines; but they should be visible in every moment, so again fluorescent fibers, and also the non-color white, because I associate white with light. And for the other parts of carpet I chose the non-color black because I associated with the “dark tunnel”. The pattern could be a metaphor of fingerprints – the traveler in time supposed to travel in his own past/future to change some situation so it could provoke the butterfly effect - from here the possibility to change his identity.
The irregular shape it came from the distorted reality that traveler in time fells it in that “dark tunnel”. And when I think at an irregular shape I think at something diffused like waves or fume. 
So the final carpet it has an irregular shape that could be put everywhere and could take every room shape, with a black background and waved white lines that in the night are shining. The advantage of the form made me to think at two different kind of space: bedroom (a small carpet near bed) or cinema (the hallways of cinema halls), because the both spaces are used by night so the fluorescent line will guide people from a place to another. 
MEP_A Carpet Area: Time Treveler

MEP_A Carpet Area: Time Treveler

concept and idea of a possible bedroom carpet
