Think before Honking project (2013)
In Vietnam, inappropriate driving habits and manners are a long-existing social problem. 
Ford Vietnam takes initiate move to address this problem in a fun (but serious) and memorable way targeting young people. 
Please visit: &
Illustrator: Thanh Phong
Agency: T&A Ogilvy
Caption by Lana Tran
Ba giây là bấm - 
3 seconds then honk!!
This poster tackle the problem that while waiting for red light, people honk to vent their frustration and urge the ones in front of them to move though the road is jam packed.
Bán răng mua xăng - 
Sell teeth to buy fuel
The problem of fuel's continuously increase in price. 
Càng tắc thì càng chen, càng đèn thì càng vượt  - 
Weird psychology in traffic
The worse the traffic is, the more people want to move their vehicles. And when seeing red light, people feel an urge to cross.
Chạy nhanh thắng gấp, nằm sấp như chơi
Drive fast, stop fast, it's easy to fall.
Chiều chiều ra đứng ngõ sau, trông ra ngoài phố còi đau hết đầu
Too much honking sound gives people a migraine.
Chở hàng đâu chỉ xe thồ, Hông-đa cũng cõng đầy đồ đấy thôi!  - 
When a motorbike turned a truck!
This is a common scene in Vietnam. People overload their motorbikes with stuff, making it dangerous for themselves and others driving around them.
Chồng lái lụa, vợ góa bụa
Deadly consequence
When the husband loves showing off his dangerous driving skill, someday his wife may have to become a widow.
Chữ xăng cùng với chữ tăng một vần -
The fuel's price is high and higher.
Còi to cho vượt - 
Whoever honks louder can go first.
In Vietnam's traffic, sometimes it's the power of the horn. People who have louder horns can go quicker since their vehicles make lots of annoying sound, forcing people to let them pass first.
Còi to chứng tỏ óc nho
The louder you honk, the smaller your brain is
Còi to máy rú là thú đi xe - 
The way you drive and honk indicates who you are.
When you honk excessively and unnecessarily in traffic, it indicates that you have no social manners.
Đèn còn vàng, cứ bang cho lẹ
Rushing when traffic light turns yellow.
In Vietnam, many think that they have to accelerate when the traffic light turns yellow to avoid the red light. Because of that mindset, some have involved in serious crash.
Đèn đỏ quẹo trái, còn sống mái với công an
Turning left at red light but he still argues with the police.
In Vietnam, it's prohibited to turn left at red light. However some people still do it and when getting caught by the traffic police, they argue that the road is clean and safe, therefore they have made no harm. But law is law.
Đi bộ mà cũng tốn xăng, thì người lao động hàm răng chẳng còn - 
The fuel's price is too high, poor labor can not affort.
Đi hàng ba, ba hàng ma
It's easier to become spirits if you drive in 3 lanes together
Đi một ngày đàng
Hít một sàng khói
Drive one day, inhale tons of smoke.
Because the pollution level in Vietnam's cities has been increasing, when people drive, they inhale a large amount of smoke.
Đi ngược chiều, trẻ trâu chơi liều
It's risky to drive in a wrong direction.
To make the route quicker and easier, many people drive in a wrong direction as if making a shortcut. However, this leads to many crashes and accidents.
Đội mũ bảo hiểm, ghi điểm với nàng 
Wear a helmet to impress her
This poster reminds people to wear helmet when driving on a motorbike. With motorbike being the most common vehicle joining the traffic in Vietnam, helmet is a must-have item on the road.
Hà Nội không vội được đâu
"You can't rush in Hanoi" is a popular saying about the traffic in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. The traffic is so hectic that you can't rush. It plays with the rhythm of the words and the name "Hanoi".
Lái xe bằng cả trái tim
Drive with heart.
To take care of yourself, your passengers and others around you, you should drive carefully with both the heart and the mind.
Lái xe nghe điện, nhân tiện hôn đường
Drive and talk on the phone? Then easy to "kiss" the road.
Mật ngữ còi
The honking code
In Vietnam, sometimes people press the honk to express their emotional states. Instead of yelling at each other in the streets, they honk to alarm people that there is a vehicle behind or that they want to accelerate. This "honking" communication makes the traffic extremely noisy.
Một giây liều mạng, chống nạng cả đời
A recklessly second leads to an disable life
Một người lấn làn, cả ngàn người khổ
How bad it affected to others if you took the wrong lane
Một nụ cười bằng mười tiếng còi xe
A smile is equal to ten honks
Nam thanh, nữ tú, rất 'đú' chở ba
One bike can't fit three.
It's unlawful to have three people riding on one motorbike in Vietnam. However many people are still doing it in traffic.
Ngày xưa sợ nhất taxi
Ngày nay xe buýt lầm lì sợ hơn
Trên đường đang chạy tơn tơn
Thấy anh xe buýt làm ơn nép vào
Bus can scare people!
In Vietnam, bus drivers usually don't follow traffic rules. That makes people scared of buses.
Nhường đường người khác, thật quá chất phác
It's not my job to let you pass.
Ở nhà là mẹ, ra đường là ninja
A mom at home, a ninja on the road.
Due to the polluted traffic in Vietnam, when on the roads, people have to use masks and coats to cover themselves from the dust and sunlight.
Phố thành sông lưu thông thêm thoáng
Heavy rain turns streets into rivers.
Phóng nhanh xanh cỏ -
Driving too fast can cut short one's life.
Ra đường ngắm gái, mất lái như chơi
Staring at girls while driving leads to bad consequence
Sài Gòn phanh mòn lốp xe
Bad traffic situation in Saigon
Thấy hở là chui
The bad habit of crossing railway barrier in Vietnam
Thể hiện là vào viện
Go to the hospital to show-off!
Vượt đèn đỏ có ngày dập mỏ
You will eventualy get hit if you cross the red light
Xe bố sắm, cắm bố chém!
Don't sell the parents' car.
During new year holiday, many young people sell their vehicles for money to gamble. This poster tells them not to since they don't buy the vehicles with their own money but parents'.
Xe mẹ mua, đua mẹ đánh 
No racing!
"I bought the motorbike, don't you dare d to race on it!"
Xe yêu xăng, xe mến xăng, dù mỗi lần xăng hét xe run
Vehicles love fuel and are also scared of it.
Vehicles need fuel to run. However because of the continuously increasing price of fuel, the vehicles become to be scared of it.
Xi-nhan không phải là hâm
Xi-nhan để khỏi bị đâm vỡ đèn
Use light signal to avoid crash
When in traffic, many vehicles don't use light signals to notice others that they are about to change the lane or make a turn.
Think before honking

Think before honking

In Vietnam, inappropriate driving habits and manners are a long-existing social problem. Ford Vietnam takes initiate move to address this probl Read More
