Lucie Dick's profile

Project 1: Travel Case

The Travel Case Project Brief was to buy a case for under £10 and learn as much as we possibally could about it and then make some form of structure from it, with a quality that we find important and what we want to relate to our future buildings. To me this quality is environment. I'm very keen in making sure my design is environmentally friendly.
Exploring and learning how to do section drawings. In order to learn how to do this for a building, we have started on a smaller scale (in this example a shoe).
Then choosing a case for this project, I had to idenitfy the different materials of which the case was made of. 
After exploring the case further, I realised there was more layers to it than I originally thought. 
Sketch to show and try and figure out how my structure will work with the case. 
Project 1: Travel Case

Project 1: Travel Case

Travel case based on one key quality that is meanin


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