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NSW OSR: Scam Alerts (2016)

From time to time, NSW Office of State Revenue uses their social media outlets to warn their clients of scam emails and phone calls that have been known to circulate. The images below were used to add some levity to a serious subject.
This particular image was among the first pictures I produced using an Apple Pencil on an iPad Pro. It was pencilled with Adobe Photohop Sketch and inked with Adobe Illustrator Draw. Then it was transferred to Adobe Illustrator desktop for colouring & final touches.
The image below was done almost completely in Adobe Illustrator. I wanted to push myself a little to try something different with my style, so I opted for the classic 1950s infomercial style.
NSW OSR: Scam Alerts (2016)

NSW OSR: Scam Alerts (2016)

From time to time, NSW Office of State Revenue uses their social media outlets to warn their clients of scam emails and phone calls that have bee Read More
