To create a piece of advertisement in order to showcase my ability to create ads for products to possible employers.
To create an advertisement piece for Frebreze's shimmer spray depicting the aroma of the spray in a visual manner , and to sell the product to the target audience while catching them attention visually.
Design Solution and Approach:
In order to  depict the aroma of the product, I came up with the idea of surrounding the product in a storm of petals using the same colors and similar typeface as in the spray's  bottle. I wanted to represent visually the striking scent of the product and how I felt every time I used the product in my own room. 
Using Adobe Photoshop I started by first replicating the petals in the bottle and then placing them around the bottle in an asymetrical fashion. Afterwards, I placed  masked images of flowers in the background and used art brushes to reveal them in a way that gave the impresion of flowers  bursting around the bottle.At the end, I finished the piece with some lighting effects and color adjustments so that the composition looked cohesive. 
It was challenging to come up with a way to represent a scent in a visual manner. It took a lot of thinnking and brainstorming to get to the final piece. The question I asked myself which really sent me the right direction was:  where does this smell takes me? I answered: somewhere with lots of petals.
Febreze Ad

Febreze Ad

An advertising piece for the Febreze I use in my room everyday. I was inspired by my love for the product and advertising. As I result, I decided Read More
