A booklet I did for my Colour and Typography class, on the basics of colour and type theory. We had to develop the font of the logo in the cover using Fontstruct and also had to compose the cover by taking one character of the font we were researching for this booklet (Clarendon in my case), making an EVA stamp of it and then using the stamp manually to compose the cover.
Um pequeno livro que eu fiz para a disciplina de Cor e Tipografia. Parte do exercício era desenvolver a fonte do logo no Fontstruct, e também tinhámos que compor a capa usando um carimbo de EVA no formato de um dos caractéres da fotne que estavamos analisando (Clarendon no meu caso). 
Cor e Tipo

Cor e Tipo

A booklet I did for my Colour and Typography class, on the basics of colour and type theory. We had to develop the font of the logo in the cover Развернуть
