Profil użytkownika „Karen Sloane-Williams”

Final Associates Degree Portfolio

1. Walk through this gate and see the story of south Texas towns after the oil boom leaves. 
2. pump jacks out of work
3. Well heads waiting for completetion 
4. Once a lively community, the parks, streets, and many buildings are empty.
5. Once a major supply comapny for the oil field, this company is completley shut down. 
6. George West Hotel was purchased with plans of renovation. After a few new windows and other small touches it now stands abandoned again. 
7. Morrison's was a popular bar. Shut down now. 
8. Newly built homes are left to rot because there is no one left to buy them. 
9. This construction site of a new hotel was abandoned earlier this year as the oil fields continued to shut down. 
10. The Valero Processing plant will help Three Rivers and surrounding areas from total collapse
11. Time marches on even for those left behind by the oil field closures. 
12. Miss Kay worked in the oil field as a Gate Guard, where she worked 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. No time off available even on holidays. When the oil field crashed she found herself unemployed and homeless. But, just like the rest of us she moved on.
13. Miss Kay now works for Walmart with a permanent position and a normal work schedule. Though the income from the oil field is missed the normalcy of life has it's plus side too. 
14. Tim has been laid off 7 times in the past year. After bringing home $4200 a month as a gate guard in the oil field, he now works for $10.00 an hour and brings home less than $1200 a month as a security guard at the Ramen Noodle plant about 80 miles away. 
15. Tim has moved away from the oil field completley. His loss of income has devestated the family, however, his life is back on track with a security company that works him normal hours and offers stability that cannot be found in the oil field. 
Final Associates Degree Portfolio

Final Associates Degree Portfolio

A story of small oil boom towns in South Texas
