Tina Milewski's profile

Layton Visual Center

I chose this font because it looks like the letters on an eye chart.  The logo is reprsentative of an eyeball. I chose this shape because it allows the vewier to see that the logo represents an actual eye shape.  I centered the illustration to loook like an eye looking far away to have contrast with the name of the company. The colors represent the different colors of eyes.  I want to show that eyes can be many colors. Most eye illustrations seem to feature blue eyes, I want mine to be different. The proportion is supposed to look like the pupil is smaller than the iris of the eye, much like an actual eyeball.  I want the color to pop out at the viewer.  I want my project to be about sight rather than just about glasses. I want my logo to enhance the business of Layton Visual Center.  I feel the color will help make the logo more noticeable. The logo has repitition with the lettering being black and the pupil being black.  
I chose to center the logo because it creates consistency.  I used my fonts to create a little contrast.  I decided to add one of the comany's slogan. I wanted the logo to be at the top so that the reader will see riight from the beginning  who the letter is from.  Having color in the logo creates interest.  I broke up the words at the bottom to make the letterhead look very professional.
I chose to keep my envelope simple.  I wanted to use both of my fonts and keep the logo where the return address goes.
This business card was difficult to add the QR code, but keeping the business card simple it gave me plenty of space to place it in.  I wanted the business card to feature the contact info as the most important part.
This is my Facebook and my Twitter profiles are exactly the same.  I chose this picture so that the viewer could see that Layton Visual  Centeris a place that words to improve sight to a levle that will allow them to enjoy the beauties in life.
I want the logo to be on my Facebook and Twitter profiles.  I took offf the Layton Visual Center words because I didn't wan them to be repeated when the profile is online.
I like my black and white ad the most of all lf the rest of the project.  It captures what Layton Visual Center does to help the community.  
I wanted to have some color flow on my color ad.  I think the blue in the ad gives a pleasent flow.  The contrast in the font creates interest.  It might have better if I had centered the logo but I didn't wan it to be boring to look at.
Layton Visual Center

Layton Visual Center

I am doing this project for a Visual Communications class. I am rebranding the graphics for an optometry business.
