This poster will be presented in 11x17 form across the city of Edmonton.  I designed this poster using a piece of film as our main capture point, while including the events logo in the middle of the page. Capturing your eye walking past the poster as the logo is big, and making the text smaller to pull you in to read. I added the film grain as I felt this would be another great way to convery this is a film festival.
This Poster will also be presented around Edmonton in 11x17 format. In this poster, I wanted the composition to be simple but effective. Easy to read with the contrast of white and black, while again having the extra text smaller to draw the audiance into the poster. Adding the film grain again to indicate it is a film festival.
This poster will be presented in 27x40 format at the time of the festival.
This poster will be presented in 27x40 format at the time of the festival.
Thank you very much for viewing my composition, any critiques are welcomed.
NWF Film Poster
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NWF Film Poster

This project was for the "North West Fest Film Festival" being held in Edmonton on May 5th - May 14th 2016. The idea was to create a poster that Daha Fazla Bilgi

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