Amecc Malapane's profile

ZINE - Dead Body Riddle

only the happiest of people...have the darkest tales to tell

Voices are constantly going threw my mind, positive thoughts of being brave, strong, happy, that way I am always smiling. Then the dark thoughts implant images of weakness, fear, insecurity, horrific images of blood and gore, thoughts of dismembered body parts, flesh literally hanging off ones very bones.
As matter of fact my view on life is rather humerous, I do not take the worlds problems personally nor do I for politics or any other sensitive subject. I think its really funny, I like making funny references to sensitive subjects, I think more people should be open minded and free to express every single thought that comes to mind without being judged you for it.
My inspiration for my zine is entirely personal, based on how I imagine things or people in certain horrific or life and death situations. My theme for the zine is on dark humour, extremely graphic and memorable images that one could relate to if they had a sence of humour. I used vivid colours because, they make the view pause for a bit and really scrutinise the image  and try to make sence of it.
I took random images, just like how I have random pauses and imagine a situation happening in that frame. I photoshopped them in such a way that they looked scary, at the same time interesting. 
ZINE - Dead Body Riddle

ZINE - Dead Body Riddle

photographic magazine design ZINE
