Leo Franchi 的个人资料

United Airlines Vignettes

United Airlines Vignettes
Instead of doing a typical sponsor billboard attached to a show, CNN wanted to do something special. Based on concepts provided by CNN and United, I helped Elevation’s creative team to create these custom animations showing helpful travel tips that both fit the show, promoted the sponsor, and informed the viewer.
En vez de hacer el tipico billboard, CNN queria hacer algo especial. Basado en el concepto de CNN y United, ayudé al equipo creativo de Elevation a crear estas animaciones, mostrando utiles tips de viaje, promoviendo al sponsor e informando al espectador.
Parts Unknown is a food and travel show where Anthony Bourdain travels across the world to uncover little-known destinations and explore cultures and cuisine.
About the production, working alongside with Elevation’s Art Director, Dianne Frisbee, I did the design and animation of both vignettes. Simple, lines, icons, connected, were our keywords for this fun project. Everything is 2d, with some 3d and cel animated elements.
Animatic / Animation Tests
Design / Grid / Colors
Final Frames
United Airlines - Parts Unknown Vignettes
My Role: Design and Lead Animation
Year: 2015
Production Company: Elevation
Creative Director: Stephen Cocks
Art Director: Dianne Frisbee
Sound Designer: Andrew Scott
Producer: Fernanda Martin
More info about the project: lacar.tv
United Airlines Vignettes

United Airlines Vignettes

Parts Unknown is a food and travel show where Anthony Bourdain travels across the world to uncover little-known destinations and explore cultures 阅读更多内容
