Portrait Ink Illustrations
A series of well knows faces and fashion portrait illustrations using pen & ink style. I often get commissioned to draw portrait illustrations, I always love to know what kind of life stories they have behind their faces.
The illustrations were used for company corporate branding, corporate event materials and corporate identity.
Martin Cooper Portrait - Project: Company Branding illustrations for print and web 2013  Client: Satori Consultancy, Kuala Lumpur
Albert Einstein Portrait - Project: Company Branding illustrations for print and web 2013, Client: Satori Consultancy, Kuala Lumpur
Ken Kutaragi Portrait - Project: Company Branding illustrations for print and web 2013, Client: Satori Consultancy, Kuala Lumpur
Octavia Hill Portrait - Project: Event's Logo illustrations for print and web 2011, Client: Octavia Housing, London
More on-going and published illustrations on Eri Griffin's official website.
Please visit www.erigriffin-illustrations.com
Portrait Ink Illustrations


Portrait Ink Illustrations

The portrait illustrations were used for company corporate branding, corporate event materials and corporate identity.
