I designed a salt shaker for the purpose of reducing the unknown in sprinkling salt. Normal salt shakers dispense at a random rate, thus causing daily salt intake to be greatly misjudged. In modern days focus into eating healthier and healthier, it is essential that salt intake be monitored as well. Right now solutions to manage salt intake would lead to using traditional measurement devices such as teaspoons or tablespoons to measure out salt. This creates another step in the cooking process and is not as intuitive as just sprinkling salt onto food in pinches. These solutions create mess and more things to wash in an already hectic kitchen environment. As a solution, I designed a dual compartment salt shaking device that contains salt, measures salt, and distributes salt in one easy motion. This motion mimics the experience of pinching salt but gives you previously unachievable accuracy and cleanliness.
Salt Shaker

Salt Shaker

I designed a salt shaker that mimics the movement of pinching salt. This allows users to more accurately and sanitarily apply salt onto food.
