an unexpectedly wonderful experience
In 2009, I was so fortunate to be offered a Marketing Intern position with Rowmark, LLC in Findlay, an international business specializing in the manufacturing and marketing of sheet plastic. I worked with the Marketing manager to create updated signage for the Rowmark tradeshow booth that followed their "Make it" marketing campaign. I was also given the responsibility of the design and fabrication of a new tradeshow booth for a sister business. This internship was my first real experience with digital design and I become proficient with CorelDRAW and its use with laser engravers. 
 Make it Count
 laser-cut sheet plastic
as displayed at the ARA Las Vegas Tradeshow
 Make it Memorable
 laser-cut sheet plastic
  Make it Unbeatable
  Make it Inspiring
 laser-cut sheet plastic
as displayed at the ARA Las Vegas tradeshow
 Three days of Peace and Plastic, IPI tradeshow booth
 laser-cut sheet plastic signage
 The Doors
 laser-cut sheet plastic, 24"x36"
 Janis Joplin
 laser-cut sheet plastic, 23"x36"
 Led Zeppelin
 laser-cut sheet plastic, 24"x36"
 Jimi Hendrix
 laser-cut sheet plastic, 24"x 36"


Tradeshow signage designed and fabricated in sheet plastic
