This image is a macro shot of three mushrooms
This image is a combination of ink, water, plastic and oil to retreat a mockup of a blood sample.
This image is a macro shot of a slice of a lemon with ink on it.  I was going for a look of an hive/embryo of some sort.
Tis image is also a combination of ink, water, plastic, oil and paint to mockup an embryo.
This is a macro shot of a blood - orange to look like the inside of the human body/lungs
This is a close of up a pomegranate to recreate a brain sample
This is a combination of Paint, Oil, Water and Ink.  The combination together was supposed to make a mockup of cells in a petri-dish.
This is ink, milk, oil and paint and it is supposed to retreat brain/blood matter.
Junior Year


E.A.T.S stands for, Experimental, Ambient, Tungsten and Strobe. In this series I experimented with house hold objects to try and create what a ce Meer lezen


Creatieve disciplines