Profilo di Svetlana Polupanova

OOAK Posable Dolls: Dryad

Once during the tree cutting one of work gangs went too deep into the thicket. They had no order to cut down trees in this place, the work was carried out only in the forest plantations made by humans and does not affect the wild natural areas. Group of thick-set men in overalls and with chainsaws in hands looked around owlishly. None of them had been in this place previously, but everyone had heard about it a lot of horror stories and scary legends.

They were surrounded by the exuberant boscage. Even three men toghether couldn't hug the stem of any tree, growing here. The sunlight barely stricked through the thick crowns. Despite the summer, here was cool and damp. Сlothes, getting wet because of sweat, got cold instantly and unpleasantly stuck to the skin, causing the chill. This wild ancient forest was so powerful that the feeling of completely helpless captured people. It seemed eyes of many unknown creatures stare at workers from the dark bushes. They started giggling nervously. In order to overcome their horror people talked louder and louder. Their phrases became more and more courageous, turning into a desperate bravado. Finally the foreman said: "Human is the owner of Nature! If he wants he'll allow land to be overgrown, if not - he'll clear it off ", then chose the most powerful tree trunk and put a mark on its bumpy bark. He announced that they will fell this tree and hang its transversal sections at their homes as hunting trophies. He wanted to use stub of this tree as a big table to feast with all other colleagues, bragging about their team work and "the grandeur of human power."

However foreman's plan failed. They did the it by halves, ruining all the machinery and tools they had for work. Several saws were blunted and got trapped in the wood, they didn't get to the heart of the tree. Become demoralized, workers agreed to lie something to superiors and not to tell anyone about what they had done. They scattered in all directions.

But one person left. The doctor, that was assigned to this team, was the only opponent of the foreman's idea. No matter how hard he tried he could not dissuade work team from felling the tree. He heard a low weak voice, arising from under the tree roots. Coming closer, he noticed a little thin creature, lying on the ground in a puddle of viscous clear liquid with a strong smell of cut grass. The creature resembled an elongate human, its growth was about 30 centimeters. Creature had firm fleshy rind instead of skin, it was in green shades and had beautiful patterned lines. The left half of its body was badly mutilated and deformed, deep ugly hole gaped on the place of left eye. Apparently, this liquid was something like its blood. The creature was slowly dying.

The doctor didn't remember what has happened further, a few months passed like in a thick fog. As if someone directed his actions at this time, prompting him the right steps to save the life of the unknown nature's creation. He called up someone, negotiated, urged, entreated, begged, coaxed, blackmailed and eventually gathered a small group of engineers and scientists. They developed difficult metal prosthesis for the found being. Group decided not to give publicity to this finding so that the crowds of various businessmen, tourists and loiterers will not rush to the protected thicket searching for the relatives of this creature. The working group gave a name to this being - Dryad, by analogy with the spirits of the forest from ancient Greek mythology, that lived in trees.

Dryad survived, though she lost a hefty portion of her abilities. Besides, now she needes constant support: any stainless metal on her body is quickly covered with rust, and the skin near the metal parts gradually turnes from green to yellow and brown, looking like the fading of autumn leaves. Technology-related medicine is supporting her alive, but it is not able to cure her completely.

Forced to live in isolation from their relatives, Dryad doesn't lose fun. She doesn't cherish a resentment and a hatred to the surrounding people. She is very kind, trusting and clever creature, quickly learning human speech and having long talks with people. She is interested in everything around her and also she tells a lot about the customs and manners of her race.

P.S. This doll is a reminder of many irreversible processes that taking place in our world. Spoiling anything intentionally, out of ignorance or because of some petty selfish motives, there is a big chance that you'll never bring everything back as it was before. This concept includes not only direct association with the state of the ecology on the planet Earth (who has watched George Carlin's monologue about the planet knows that "planet is fine";)), not only the disappearance of many wonderful animal and plant species because of greed, cruelty and stupidity of human individuals. But also the indifferent attitude to your own health; to the family and friends (very often we allow ourselves to be careless and intolerant with them, tell lies, abuse and so on, but breaking their confidence it is sometimes impossible to become close friends again); a time which seems to be so much, but which is wasted on all sorts of nonsense.
OOAK Posable Dolls: Dryad

Progetto creato per

OOAK Posable Dolls: Dryad

It's OOAK doll, fully sculpted of airdry clay. Size of that creature in centimetres (height/width/length): 31 (17 cm - sitting) x 4.5 x 6. There Leggi di più
